
This information about Tigerairline is only for general purposes. We make sure the information we provide is accurate and reliable. We can’t promise that everything on our website is complete, up-to-date, or accurate.

The airline’s policies, routes, schedules, and services may change without warning. We cannot control the operations or policies of the airlines on our website.

Before making any travel decisions or bookings, we suggest that users verify any information they obtain from our website on their own. To get the most accurate information, it’s best to check the official airline websites, read their terms and conditions, and contact the airlines directly.

We are not responsible if you experience any harm or problems from using the information on our website. This means that there may be mistakes or things that are not correct in the content.

Also, Tigerairline might have links to other websites. These links are given for convenience only and do not mean that we endorse or take responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of those websites. We recommend that users check the privacy policies and terms of use of any other websites they visit.

When you use Tigerairline, you agree that you have read and understood this disclaimer. You also agree to use the information on our website at your own risk.

This disclaimer may change without warning. Please check this page from time to time for updates or changes.

If you need help or have any questions about this disclaimer or the information on our website, please email us at tigerairline40@gmail.com.